CS 7545 Fall 2018 Notes 2
Game Theory
Def: A two player (finite strategy) game is given by a pair of matrices
\[N \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times m}, M \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times m}\]where
\[M_{i,j} = \text{payoff to player 1 if } p_1 \text{ selects action } i \text{ and } p_2 \text{ selects action } j\]Let’s draw \(M\) here
\[M = \begin{bmatrix} m_{1,1} & \cdots & m_{1,m} \\ m_{2,1} & \cdots & m_{2,m} \\ m_{3,1} & \cdots & m_{3,m} \\ m_{4,1} & \cdots & m_{4,m} \\ m_{5,1} & \cdots & m_{5,m} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ m_{n,1} & \cdots & m_{n,m} \\ \end{bmatrix}\]Note: \(\textbf{p}^T M \textbf{q}\) is the expected gain of player 1 if \(p_i\) is probability of prayer 1 taking action \(i\) and \(q_j\) is the probability of player 2 taking action \(j\)
Def: A game is zero sum if
\[N = -M\]Def: A Nash equilibrium is a pair \(\widetilde{p} \in \Delta_n, \widetilde{q} \in \Delta_m,\) s.t.
\[\forall p \in \Delta_n, \widetilde{p}^T M \widetilde{q} \geq p^T M \widetilde{q}\] \[\forall q \in \Delta_m, \widetilde{p}^TN\widetilde{q} \geq \widetilde{p}^TNq\]Nash’s theorem: There exist a (possibly non-unique) Nash equilibrium for any 2-player game.
Von Neumann’s min-max theorem:
\[∀M \in \mathbb{R}^{n× m}, \min_{p\in \Delta_n} \max_{q\in \Delta_m} p^T M q = \max_{q\in \Delta_m} \min_{p\in \Delta_n} p^T M q\]No regret algorithm
We say that an algorithm \(\mathcal{A}\) is no-regret if \(\forall \ell_1 \ldots \ell_T \ldots \in [0,1]\) with \(\textbf{p}^t \in \Delta_n\) chosen as \(\textbf{p}^t \leftarrow \mathcal{A}(\ell_1,\ldots,\ell_{t-1})\)
\[\frac{1}{T} \left( \sum_{t=1}^T{\textbf{p}^t \cdot \boldsymbol{\ell}^t} - \min_{p\in \Delta_n}{\sum_{t=1}^{T}{\textbf{p} \cdot \boldsymbol{\ell}^t}} \right) = \epsilon_T = O(1)\]-
\[\min_{p\in \Delta_n}{\sum_{t=1}^{T}{\textbf{p}^t \cdot \boldsymbol{\ell}_t}} = \min_{i=1\ldots n}{\sum_{t=1}^{T}{\textbf{e}_i \cdot \boldsymbol{\ell}^t}}\] -
- EWA is as no-regret algorithm with \(\epsilon_T \leq \frac{\log N + \sqrt{2 T \log N}}{T} = \frac{\log N}{T} + \sqrt{\frac{2\log N}{T}}\)
- No regret algorithm performs well even in worst case ( e.g. loss chosen against p )
No-Regret Happy theorem
Let \(M\) be \(\mathbb{R}^{n\times m},\,\, \mathcal{A}\) be a no-regret algorithm.
For \(t = 1 \ldots T\),
- \(\textbf{p}^t\) is chosen as \(\mathcal{A}(\ell_1,\ldots,\ell_{t-1}), \text{ where } \ell_s = Mq_s (s = 1\ldots t-1)\)
- \(\textbf{q}^t\) is chosen as \(\textbf{q}^t = \operatorname*{argmax}_{\textbf{q}\in \Delta_m}{\textbf{p}^t \cdot \textbf{M} \textbf{q}}\;\;\;\; \text{ a.k.a.most adversary nature}\)
Q1: How happy is q
\[\begin{aligned} \frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T}{\textbf{p}^t \cdot \textbf{M} \textbf{q}^t } &= \frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^{T}{\max_{\textbf{q}}\textbf{p}^t\cdot \textbf{M} \textbf{q}} \\ &≥ \frac{1}{T}\max_{\textbf{q}}{\sum_{t=1}^{T}{(\textbf{p}^t \cdot \textbf{M} \textbf{q})}} \\ &= \frac{1}{T}\max_{\textbf{q}}{\sum_{t=1}^{T}{(\textbf{p}^t)}} \cdot \textbf{M} \textbf{q} = \max_{\textbf{q}}{ \bar{\textbf{p}} } \cdot \textbf{M} \textbf{q} \\ &≥ \min_{\textbf{p}}\max_{\textbf{q}} \textbf{p}\cdot \textbf{M} \textbf{q} \end{aligned}\] -
Q2: How happy is p
\[\begin{aligned} \frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T}{\textbf{p}^t \cdot \textbf{M} \textbf{q}^t} &= \frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T}{\textbf{p}^t \cdot \boldsymbol{\ell}^t} & \\ &= \frac{1}{T}\min_{\textbf{p}}{\sum_{t=1}^{T}{\textbf{p}\cdot \boldsymbol{\ell}^t}} + \epsilon_T & \text{ by definition of no regret} \\ &= \min_{\textbf{p}}{\frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^{T}{\textbf{p} \cdot \textbf{M} \textbf{q}^t}} + \epsilon_T & \\ &= \min_{\textbf{p}}{\textbf{p} \cdot \textbf{M} \bar{\textbf{q}}} + \epsilon_T & \\ &≤ \max_{\textbf{q}} \min_{\textbf{p}} \textbf{p} \cdot \textbf{M} \textbf{q} + \epsilon_T \end{aligned}\] -
To summarize:
\(\bar{\textbf{p}}\) and \(\overline{\textbf{q}}\) are \(\epsilon_T\)-optimal Nash eq.
Given \(\textbf{x}_1,\ldots,\textbf{x}_n \in \mathcal{X}\), \(\textbf{y}_1,\ldots, \textbf{y}_n \in \{-1,1\}\), Hypothesis class \(H = \{ h_1,\ldots,h_m \}\) where \(h : \mathcal{X} \mapsto \{ -1, 1 \}\)
Weak Learner Assumption:
\[∀ \textbf{p} \in \Delta_n,\, ∃ h \in H,\,\text{s.t. if } \textbf{x}_i \text{ show up with probability } p_i,\text{ then }\] \[\operatorname{Pr}\{ h(\textbf{x}_i) \neq y_i \} \leq \frac{1}{2} - \frac{\gamma}{2},\;\; \gamma > 0\]Which is: n \(∀ \textbf{p} \in \Delta_n,\, ∃ h \in H,\,\text{s.t. } \sum_{i}{p_i\frac{1 - y_ih(\textbf{x}_i) }{2}} \leq \frac{1}{2} - \frac{\gamma}{2}\)
\[∀ \textbf{p} \in \Delta_n,\, ∃ h \in H,\,\text{s.t. } \gamma \leq \sum_{i}{p_iy_ih(\textbf{x}_i)}\] -
Proof of \(WLA \implies SLA\)
Define \(\textbf{M} \in \{ -1, 1 \}^{n×m}\), \(\textbf{M}_{i,j} = h_j(\textbf{x}_i)y_i\), then
\[\sum_{i}{p_iy_ih_j(\textbf{x}_i)} = \textbf{p} \cdot \textbf{M} \textbf{e}_j\]WLA says for any \(\textbf{p}\) this is a \(j\), we have
\[\gamma \leq \min_{\textbf{p} \in \Delta_n}{\textbf{p} \cdot \textbf{M} \textbf{e}_j} \leq \min_{\textbf{p} \in \Delta_n}\max_{\textbf{q} \in \Delta_m}{\textbf{p} \cdot \textbf{M} q}\]So
\[0 < \gamma \leq \max_{\textbf{q} \in \Delta_m}\min_{\textbf{p} \in \Delta_n}{\textbf{p} \cdot \textbf{M} q}\]which is strong Learner assumption:
\[\exists q \in \Delta_m \text{ s.t. } 0 < \min_{\textbf{p} \in \Delta_n}{\textbf{p}^T \textbf{M} q}\] -
Strong Learning Assumption: exist \(\textbf{q} \in \Delta_m\), s.t. \(∀ i = 1\ldots n,\\)
\[\sum_{h\in H}{\textbf{q}_h \cdot h(\textbf{x}_i) y_i} > 0\] -
How to find \(\textbf{q}\)
If we use a no-regret algorithm to learn p that maximize error of prediction (a.k.a minimizing \(\textbf{p⋅Mq}\)), and we choose \(\textbf{q}\) according to \(\textbf{p}\) to maximize \(\textbf{p⋅Mq}\), then by no regret happy theorem
\[\gamma - \epsilon_T = \min_{\textbf{p}}\max_{\textbf{q}} \textbf{p}\cdot \textbf{M} \textbf{q} - \epsilon_T \leq \min_{\textbf{p}}{\textbf{p} \cdot \textbf{M} \overline{\textbf{q}}}\]So, whenever \(\epsilon_T < \gamma, \overline{\textbf{q}}\) is what we need.
Boosting by Majority Algorithm:
We use EWA as the no-regret algorithm. (Note: EWA requires that \(\textbf{M} \in [0,1]^{n\times m}\) but here \(\textbf{M} \in \{-1,1\}^{n\times m}\). the professor promise it will work somehow. My thought is that let \(\textbf{M}' = \frac{\textbf{M}+\textbf{1}}{2}\), then \(\textbf{p} \cdot \textbf{M}' \textbf{q} = \textbf{p} \cdot \frac{\textbf{M}+\textbf{1}}{2} \textbf{q} = \frac{1}{2} \textbf{p} \cdot \textbf{Mq} + \underbrace{\textbf{p} \cdot \textbf{1q}}_{=1!}\), so optimal \(\textbf{q}\) for \(\textbf{M}'\) is also optimal for \(\textbf{M}\) )
Let \(T > \frac{2\log N}{\gamma^2}\) (which somehow \(\epsilon_T < \gamma\) at this point), \(\textbf{w}^1 = 1\), For \(t = 1 \ldots T\), Let
\[\begin{aligned} \textbf{p}^t &= \frac{\textbf{w}^t}{\| \textbf{w}^t \|_1} & \\ h_t &= \operatorname*{argmax}_{h\in \mathcal{H}}{\sum_{i=1}^{N}{\textbf{p}^t_ih(\textbf{x}_i)y_i}} & \text{ we should choose q to maximize } \textbf{p}\cdot \textbf{Mq} \\ & &\text { but optimal value always happen at corner } \\ & &\text { which is equivalent to choose best } h_t \\ \textbf{w}^{t+1}_i &= \textbf{w}^t_i \exp{ \left( -\eta h_t(\textbf{x}_i)y_i \right) } & \end{aligned}\]Output \(\overline{h_T} = \frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T}{h_t}\)
Online Convex Optimization
Let a set \(\mathcal{K} \subset \mathbb{R}^d\) be convex and compact.
For \(t = 1\ldots T\),
- Algorithm select \(\textbf{x}_t \in \mathcal{K}\)
- Nature select convex function \(f_t : \mathcal{K} \mapsto \mathbb{R}\)
Let Regret be \(\left(\sum_{1}^{T}{f_t(\textbf{x}_t)} \right) - \min_{\textbf{x}\in \mathcal{K}}{\sum_{t=1}^{T}{f_t(\textbf{x})}}\)
- This is more general than experts setting (hedge setting)
- e.g.: set \(\mathcal{K} = \Delta_n,\, f_t(\textbf{x}) = \ell_t \cdot \textbf{x}\)
Online Gradient Descent Algorithm (OGD)
\[\operatorname{Proj}_{\mathcal{K}}{x} = \operatorname*{argmin}_{y\in \mathcal{K}}{\|y-x\|_2}\]Note: \(\forall \textbf{z} \in \mathcal{K}, \forall \textbf{y}\):
\[\| \operatorname{Proj}(\textbf{y}) - z\|_2 \leq \|y-z\|_2\] -
OGD Algorithm
Let \(\textbf{x}_0\) be arbitrary \(\textbf{x} \in \mathcal{K}\),
\[\textbf{x}_{t+1} = \operatorname{Proj}_{\mathcal{K}}{x_t-\eta \nabla_t \text{ where } \nabla_t = \nabla f_t(\textbf{x}_t)}\] -
Assume \(\| \nabla f(\textbf{x}_t) \| \leq G,\, \|\textbf{x}_0 - \textbf{x}^* \| \leq D \,(\forall \textbf{x}^* \in \mathcal{K})\), then
\[\operatorname{Regret}_T(\text{OGD}) \leq GD\sqrt{T}\] -
Notice that
\[\begin{aligned} \frac{1}{2} \| \textbf{x}_{t+1} - \textbf{x}^* \|^2 &= \frac{1}{2} \| \operatorname{Proj}_{\mathcal{K}}{\textbf{x}_t - \eta \nabla_t} - \textbf{x}^* \|^2 \\ &\leq \frac{1}{2} \| \textbf{x}_t-\eta \nabla_t - \textbf{x}^* \|^2 \\ &= \frac{1}{2} (\textbf{x}_t - \textbf{x}^* - \eta \nabla_t) \cdot (\textbf{x}_t - \textbf{x}^* - \eta \nabla_t) \\ &= \frac{1}{2} \| \textbf{x}_t - \textbf{x}^* \|^2 + \frac{\eta^2}{2}\| \nabla_t\|^2 - \eta \nabla_t \cdot ( \textbf{x}_t - \textbf{x}^* ) \\ & & \\ \eta \nabla_t \cdot ( \textbf{x}_t - \textbf{x}^* ) &\leq \frac{1}{2} \left( \| \textbf{x}_t - \textbf{x}^* \|^2 - \| \textbf{x}_{t+1} - \textbf{x}^* \|^2 \right) + \frac{\eta^2}{2}\| \nabla_t\|^2 \end{aligned}\]Also notice that if \(f\) is convex, then \(f(\textbf{x}^*) - f(\textbf{x}) \geq \nabla f(\textbf{x})(\textbf{x}^* - \textbf{x})\), so
\[\nabla_t \cdot ( \textbf{x}_t - \textbf{x}^* ) \geq f(\textbf{x}_t) - f(\textbf{x}^*)\]So
\[\begin{aligned} \operatorname{Regret}_T(\text{OGD}) &= \sum { f(\textbf{x}_t) - f(\textbf{x}^*) } \\ &\leq \sum_{t=1}^{T} {\nabla_t \cdot ( \textbf{x}_t - \textbf{x}^* ) } \\ &\leq \sum_{t=1}^{T} { \left( \frac{1}{2\eta} \left( \| \textbf{x}_t - \textbf{x}^* \|^2 - \| \textbf{x}_{t+1} - \textbf{x}^* \|^2 \right) + \frac{\eta}{2}\| \nabla_t\|^2 \right) } \\ &\leq \sum_{t=1}^{T} { \frac{1}{2\eta} \left( \| \textbf{x}_t - \textbf{x}^* \|^2 - \| \textbf{x}_{t+1} - \textbf{x}^* \|^2 \right) } + \frac{\eta}{2} TG^2 \\ &\leq \frac{1}{2\eta} \left( (\underbrace{\| \textbf{x}_1 - \textbf{x}^* \|^2}_{\leq D^2} + \underbrace{ - \| \textbf{x}_{T+1} - \textbf{x}^* \|^2 }_{\leq 0} \right) + \frac{\eta}{2} TG^2 \\ &\leq \frac{1}{2\eta} D^2 + \frac{\eta}{2} TG^2 \\ \end{aligned}\]Set \(\eta = \frac{D}{G\sqrt{T}}\), we have
\[\operatorname{Regret}_T(\text{OGD}) \leq DG\sqrt{T}\]
More on OCO
Convex optimization to OCO
In this setting, we want to minimize a convex loss function $ f $ over a convex compact set \(\mathcal{K}\)
We use OCO.
For \(t = 1, \ldots, T\), an algorithm choose $ x_t $, Nature then show $ f_t = f $ (a.k.a, always show the same loss function)
After \(T\) round, output \(\overline{x_T} = \frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T}{x_t}\)-
\[f(\overline{x_t}) - \mathop{\operatorname{min}}_{x \in \mathcal{K}}{f(x)} \leq \frac{1}{T} \operatorname{Regret}_T\] -
Proof: (easy)
\[\begin{aligned} f(\overline{x_t}) &\leq \frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^{T}{f(x_t)} & \text{ by convexity} \\ &= \frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T}{f_t(x_t)} & \\ &= \frac{1}{T} \left( \sum_{t=1}^{T}{f_t(x^*) } + \operatorname{Regret}_T \right) & \\ &= \frac{1}{T} \left( \sum_{t=1}^{T}{f(x^*) } + \operatorname{Regret}_T \right) & \\ &= f(x^*) + \frac{1}{T} \operatorname{Regret}_T & \end{aligned}\]
Learning in stocastic setting
Learning in stocastic setting can reduces to OCO
In Stochastic learning setting, we want to find a parameter from a predefined parameter set to minimize the expected loss. (e.g., find a parameter of nerual network parameters to minimize classification errors)
Under conditions of 1. loss function are convex, 2. parameter space is convex; this problem can be reduced to OCO.
Let \(X,Y\) be domain of data and set of labels.
Let \((X,Y) \sim D\), which means that X,Y are generated i.i.d from distribution D. Let \(h_θ\) be a hypothesis function that maps form \(X\) to \(Y\) parameterized by \(θ\).
Let \(\mathcal{H}\) be the set of all \(h\), a.k.a, \(\mathcal{H} = \{ h_θ \vert θ \in Θ \}\)
Let \(\ell(h_θ, x, y)\) be the loss if we use \(h_θ\) on point \((x,y)\)
Let \(\ell(h_θ, x, y)\) be convex in \(θ\) (In realistic scenarios, this may not always be true)Define Risk of \(θ\):
\[\mathcal{L}(θ) = \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{(x,y)\sim D}{\ell(h_θ, x, y)}\]Note: ** \(\mathcal{L}(θ)\) ** is convex!!
We want to find \(\hat{θ}\) from \(T\) data points (i.i.d from some distribution) s.t.
\[\mathcal{L}(\hat{θ}) - \mathcal{L(θ^*)} \leq ε \\ \text{where } θ^* = \mathop{\operatorname{min}}_{θ}{\mathcal{L}(θ)} \leq ε\] -
For \(t = 1,\ldots,T\),
select \(θ_t\) using OCO,
then observe \((x_t, y_t)\), (note: it is important not to observe \((x_t, y_t)\) in advance.
then set loss function \(f_t(θ_t) = \ell(h_{θ_t}, x_t, y_t)\),
then output \(\hat{θ} = \frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T}{θ_t}\)Can we say anything about \(\hat{θ}\)? No, because it is heavily dependent on specific \(x_1,y_1,\ldots,y_1,y_t\)
We Can Only something about the Expectation of \(\hat{θ}\)
We want to proof
\[\mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{(x_1, y_1), \ldots, (x_t, y_t) \sim D}{[\mathcal{L}(\hat{θ})]} - \mathcal{L}(θ^*) \leq \frac{1}{T} \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{(x_1, y_1), \ldots, (x_t, y_t) \sim D}{[\text{Regret}_T]}\]It is too long to write \({\displaystyle \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{(x_1, y_1), \ldots, (x_t, y_t) \sim D} }\), Let’s use the notation \({\displaystyle \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{all}}\)
\[\begin{aligned} \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{all}{\mathcal{L}(\hat{θ})} &= \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{all}{\mathcal{L}\left(\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T}{θ_t}\right)} \\ &\leq \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{all}{\frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^{T}{\mathcal{L} \left( θ_t \right)}} & \\ &= \frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^{T} \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{all}\mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{(x,y)\sim D}{\ell(h_{θ_t}, x, y)} & \\ &= \frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^{T} \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{all}{\ell(h_{θ_t}, x_t, y_t)} & \text{ tricky part }\\ &= \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{all}{\frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^{T} \ell(h_{θ_t}, x_t, y_t)} & \text{} \\ &= \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{all}{\frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^{T} \left( \mathop{\operatorname{min}}_{θ}{\ell(h_{θ}, x_t, y_t)} + \mathop{\operatorname{Regret}_T} \right) } & \text{} \\ &\leq \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{all}{\frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^{T} \left( \ell(h_{θ^*}, x_t, y_t) + \mathop{\operatorname{Regret}_T} \right) } & \text{ for any }θ^* \\ &= \mathcal{L}(θ^*) + \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{all}{\frac{1}{T} \mathop{\operatorname{Regret}_T} } & \text{} \\ \end{aligned}\]
Follow the leader (FTL)
\[x_t = \operatorname{arg}\min_{x\in K}{\sum_{s=1}^{t-1}{f_s(x)}}\]Claim:
\[\text{Regret} \leq \sum_{t=1}^{T}{f_t(x_t) - f_t(x_{t+1})}\]Proof By induction.
T = 1:
\[\text{Regret}_T(\text{FTL}) = f_1(x_1) - f_1(x_2)\] -
T > 1
\[\begin{aligned} \text{Regret}_T(\text{FTL}) &= \sum_{t=1}^{T}{f_t(x_t) - \sum_{t=1}^{T}f_t(x_{T+1})} \\ &= \sum_{t=1}^{T}{\left( f_t(x_t) - f_t(x_{T+1}) \right) } \\ &= \sum_{t=1}^{T-1}{ \left( f_t(x_t) - f_t(x_{T+1}) \right) } + f_T(x_T) - f_T(x_{T+1}) \\ &\leq \sum_{t=1}^{T-1}{ \left( f_t(x_t) - f_t(x_{T}) \right) } + f_T(x_T) - f_T(x_{T+1}) \\ &= \mathop{\operatorname{Regret}_{T-1}} + f_T(x_T) - f_T(x_{T+1}) \\ &\leq \sum_{t=1}^{T-1}{ \left( f_t(x_t) - f_t(x_{t+1}) \right) } + f_T(x_T) - f_T(x_{T+1}) \\ &= \sum_{t=1}^{T}{ \left( f_t(x_t) - f_t(x_{t+1}) \right) } \end{aligned}\]
FTL example
Data $ z_t $ reveal one by one.
Predict the $ \mu $.See scribed lecture
Linear loss is harder:
Let \(\widetilde{f}_t(x) = \nabla_{x_t}f_t(x-x_t) + f_t(x_t)\)
Note that:
- \(\widetilde{f}_t(x) = f_t(x_t)\).
- \[\widetilde{f}_t(u) \leq f_t(u)\]
- \(\sum{ \left( f_t(x_t) - f_t(u) \right) \leq \sum { \left( \widetilde{f}_t(x_t) - \widetilde{f}_t(u) - \right) } }\).
Hence, Linear loss is larger (harder)
Bad performance (linear regret) in Linear loss
\(X \in [-1, 1]\), loss function
\[f_t(X) = \begin{cases} \frac{1}{2}X & \text{ when } t=1 \\ -X & t = 2,4,6,\ldots \\ X & t = 3,5,7,\ldots \end{cases}\]
Follow the Regularized leader (FTRL)
Follow the Regularized Leader (FTRL)
\[x_{t+1} = \mathop{\operatorname{argmin}}_{x\in \mathcal{K}}{\sum_{s=1}^{t}{\eta f_s(x) + R(x)}}\]Assume \(f_s\) is linear, which is the hardest case, let \(f_s(x)\) be \((g_s \cdot x)\)
Lemma: \eta g_t\cdot(x_t-u) = D_R(u, x_t) - D_R(u, x_{t+1}) + D_R(x_t, x_{t+1})
Proof: TODO
\(\Other \Lemma \TODO\).
Bandit Setting
Expert Setting: full info feedback:
We know the loss function. a.k.a, we know what would happen if we chose another \(x_t\)
Bandit Setting: feedback limited to chosen action
We have n actions (called arms), for t = 1 … T, algorithm selects \(i_t\); Nature reveal \(\ell_{i_t}^{t}\) from unobserved \(\ell^{t} \in [0,1]^n\)
- subsetting adversarial: \(\ell^t\) chosen arbitrarily, but in advance.
- subsetting stochastic: \(\ell^t_i \sim \mathcal{D}_i (i.i.d)\)
EXP3 algorithm
For adversarial settings.
(Note this is different from the original paper)
N: actions (also called arms); T: time, \(\ell \in [0,1]\): loss
Theorem: \(\mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}{[\sum_{t=1}^{T}{\ell_{i_t}^t - \ell_{i^*}^t}]} \leq \frac{\log n}{\eta} + \frac{\eta}{2}Tn\)
Cookup potential:
\[\Phi_t = - \frac{1}{\eta} \log \left( \sum_{i=1}^{N}{w^t_i} \right)\]Note in the following deduction, we reach time t. \(\boldsymbol{w}^t\) is fixed, hence \(\Phi_{t}\) is fixed. \(\boldsymbol{\ell}^t\) is unseen. \(\Phi_{t+1}\) is random variable. \(w_i^{t+1}\) are random variable. \(\ell_i^t\) are random variable.
\[\begin{aligned} \Phi_{t+1} - \Phi_{t} &= - \frac{1}{\eta} \log \left( \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{N}{w_i^{t+1}}}{\sum_{i=1}^{N}{w_i^t}} \right) & \\ &= - \frac{1}{\eta} \log \left( \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{N}{w_i^t \exp(-\eta \hat{\ell}_i^t)}}{\sum_{i=1}^{N}{w_i^t}} \right) & \\ &= - \frac{1}{\eta} \log \left( \sum_{i=1}^{N}{\left(\frac{w_i^t}{\sum_{i=1}^{N}{w_i^t}}\right) \exp(-\eta \hat{\ell}_i^t)} \right) & \\ &= - \frac{1}{\eta} \log \left( \sum_{i=1}^{N}{p^t_i \exp(-\eta \hat{\ell}_i^t)} \right) & \\ &= - \frac{1}{\eta} \log \left( \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}{[\exp(-\eta \hat{\ell}^t)]} \right) & \\ &\geq - \frac{1}{\eta} \log \left( \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}{[1 -\eta \hat{\ell}^t + \frac{1}{2} (\eta \hat{\ell}^t)^2] } \right) & e^{-x} \leq 1 - x + \frac{1}{2}x^2 \text{ when } x\geq 0 \\ &= - \frac{1}{\eta} \log \left( \mathop{1 - \operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}{[ \eta \hat{\ell}^t - \frac{1}{2} (\eta \hat{\ell}^t)^2] } \right) & \\ &\geq \frac{1}{\eta} \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}{[ \eta \hat{\ell}^t - \frac{1}{2} (\eta \hat{\ell}^t)^2] } & \log(1-x)\leq -x \\ &= \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}{[ \hat{\ell}^t - \eta \frac{1}{2} ( \hat{\ell}^t)^2] } & \\ &= \sum_{i=1}^{N}{p_i^t} \hat{\ell}_i^t - \eta \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i=1}^{N}{p_i^t} ( \hat{\ell}_i^t)^2 & \\ \end{aligned}\]All the way we set up \(\hat{\ell}_i^t\) is to make it unbiased, so we can take expectation (on arms we pull) at time t)
\[\begin{aligned} \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{I_t \sim \boldsymbol{p}^t}{[\Phi_{t+1} - \Phi_{t} \vert I_{1}, I_{2}, \ldots, I_{t-1}]} &\geq \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}} [\sum_{i=1}^{N}{p_i^t} \hat{\ell}_i^t - \eta \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i=1}^{N}{p_i^t} ( \hat{\ell}_i^t)^2] \\ &= \sum_{i=1}^{N}{p_i^t} \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}[\hat{\ell}_i^t] - \eta \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i=1}^{N}{p_i^t} \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}[(\hat{\ell}_i^t)^2] \\ &= \sum_{i=1}^{N}{p_i^t} \ell_i^t - \eta \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i=1}^{N}{p_i^t} \frac{ (\ell_i^t)^2 }{p_i^t} \\ &= \boldsymbol{p}^t \cdot \boldsymbol{\ell}^t - \eta \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i=1}^{N}{ (\ell_i^t)^2 } \\ &\leq \boldsymbol{p}^t \cdot \boldsymbol{\ell}^t - \eta \frac{1}{2} N \\ \end{aligned}\]Now given all real loss up to time T, that is \(\ell^1, \ldots, \ell^T\), the EXP3 algorithm generate a serie of action \(i_1, \ldots, i_T\).
Once real loss is given, each serie is generated by a specific probability. Think it as a tree. So
\[\begin{aligned} & \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{(i_1,\ldots,i_T) \in \{1\ldots N\}^T}{[\Phi_{T+1} - \Phi_1 \vert (i_1,\ldots,i_T)]} \\ &= \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{(i_1,\ldots,i_T) \in \{1\ldots N\}^T}{[\Phi_{T+1} - \Phi_{T} + \Phi_T - \Phi_1 \vert (i_1,\ldots,i_T)]}\\ &= \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{(i_1,\ldots,i_T) \in \{1\ldots N\}^T}{[(\Phi_{T+1} - \Phi_{T} \vert (i_1,\ldots,i_T))]} + \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{(i_1,\ldots,i_T) \in \{1\ldots N\}^T}{[\Phi_T - \Phi_1 \vert (i_1,\ldots,i_T)]}\\ &= \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{(i_1,\ldots,i_{T-1}) \in \{1\ldots N\}^{T-1}}{\left[\mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{i_T}[(\Phi_{T+1} - \Phi_{T} \vert (i_1,\ldots,i_{T-1}))]\right]} + \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{(i_1,\ldots,i_{T-1}) \in \{1\ldots N\}^{T-1}}{[\Phi_T - \Phi_1 \vert (i_1,\ldots,i_{T-1})]}\\ &= \text{recursive} \\ &\geq \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{(i_1,\ldots,i_{T-1}) \in \{1\ldots N\}^{T-1}}{[(\boldsymbol{p}^T \cdot \boldsymbol{\ell}^T - \eta \frac{1}{2} N)]} + \text{...omitted} \\ &= \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{(i_1,\ldots,i_{T}) \in \{1\ldots N\}^{T}}{\left[\sum_{t=1}^{T}{\ell^t_{i^t}} - \eta \frac{1}{2} N\right]} \\ &= - \eta \frac{NT}{2} + \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{(i_1,\ldots,i_{T}) \in \{1\ldots N\}^{T}}{\left[\sum_{t=1}^{T}{\ell^t_{i^t}}\right]} \\ \end{aligned}\]Moreover, We have
\[\mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}{ \left[ \Phi_{T+1} - \Phi_1 \right] } \leq \sum_{t=1}^{T}{\ell_i^t} + \frac{\log N}{\eta} \,\,\,\, \text{ for all } i = 1 \ldots N\]Why: the second term is by definition \(-\frac{1}{\eta} N\). The first term is
\[\begin{aligned} \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{(i_1,\ldots,i_T) \in \{1\ldots N\}^T}{\Phi_{T+1}} &= \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{(i_1,\ldots,i_T) \in \{1\ldots N\}^T}{-\frac{1}{\eta} \log { \left( \sum_{i=1}^{N}{w_i^T} \right) }} & \text{ random var is } w_i^T \\ &\leq -\frac{1}{\eta} \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{(i_1,\ldots,i_T) \in \{1\ldots N\}^T}{ \log { \left( \sum_{i=i^*}^{i^*}{w_i^T} \right) }} & \\ &= -\frac{1}{\eta} \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{(i_1,\ldots,i_T) \in \{1\ldots N\}^T}{ \log { \left( {w_{i^*}^{T-1} \exp (- \eta \hat{\ell}^T_{i^*})} \right) }} & \\ &= -\frac{1}{\eta} \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{(i_1,\ldots,i_T) \in \{1\ldots N\}^T}{ (- \eta \hat{\ell}^T_{i^*}) + \log { \left( {w_{i^*}^{T-1} } \right) }} & \\ &= {\ell}^T_{i^*} - \frac{1}{\eta} \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{(i_1,\ldots,i_T) \in \{1\ldots N\}^T}{ \log { \left( {w_{i^*}^{T-1} } \right) }} & \\ &= \text{ recursive} \\ &= \sum_{t=1}^{T}{ {\ell}^t_{i^*}} \end{aligned}\]To combine
\[\mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}{ \left[ \mathop{\operatorname{Regret}_T} \right] } = \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{(i_1,\ldots,i_{T}) \in \{1\ldots N\}^{T}}{\left[\sum_{t=1}^{T}{\ell^t_{i^t}}\right]} - \sum_{t=1}^{T}{\ell_i^t} \leq \eta \frac{NT}{2} + \frac{\log n}{\eta}\]
UCB1 algorithm
For stochastic settings.
- There is K different distributions governing rewards for K actions (arms).
- Each distribution doesn’t change over time
- At time $t$, algorithm select arm $i_t$, then reward is revealed as $X^{(t)}_i$, which is sampled i.i.d from distribution $\mathcal{D}_i$
The best arm to choose is the $i^*$ that maximize reward $ {\displaystyle u_i = u(i) = \mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}_{X \sim \mathcal{D}_i}{[X]} } $, a.k.a, the best arm in expectation.
Define regret
\[\mathop{\operatorname{Regret}}_T = Tu(i^*) - \sum_{t=1}^{T}{X^{(t)}_{i_t}}\]which is the reward we lost by not following the best policy.
Example: So let’s take the action with the highest average reward directly.
- Assume two actions.
- Action 1 has reward of 1 with probability 0.3 and otherwise has reward 0f 0.
- Action 2 has reward of 1 with probability 0.7 and otherwise has reward of 0.
- Play action 1, get reward of 1.
- Play action 2, get reward of 0.
Now average reward of action 1 will never drop to 0, so we’ll never play action 2
- This illustrates a classic problem, which is the defining characteristic of decision making:
- the trade-off between exploring and exploiting.
- Exploring means to try new actions to learn their effects.
- Exploiting means to try what we know has worked in the past.
- The algorithm above does not explore sufficiently.
UCB1 intuition
The idea is like this:
Without loss of generosity, suppose that #1 is the best arm.
As we explore, by hoeffing’s inequality, with a very high probability, estimated cost is similar to real expected cost.
Suppose we choose a tuning parameter $ε$, at time $t$, suppose algorithm choose arm $i_t ≠ 1$, then consider the following events:
- $ S^{(t)}_1: \hat{u_1} < u_1 - ε $, which is, the estimated $\hat{u_1}$ is very low
- $ L^{(t)}_ {i_t}: \hat{u_{i_t}} > u_{i_t} + ε $ which is, the estimated $\hat{u_{i_t}}$ is very high
These events are less and less likely to occur as we play. So we want to bond to things:
- #times $S_1$ or $L_{i_t}$ occurs.
- total loss when this events do not occur.
There is one technical issue, which is that, when applying the Heoffding’s inequality, the $N$ is changing (see following)
Suppose at time $t$ algorithm choose $i_t$, and $i_t$ has been choosen $ N^{(t)}_{i_t}$ times, by Hoeffding’s inequality:
\[\mathop{\operatorname{Pr}}(\hat{u_j} < u_j - ε ) < e^{-2N_jε^2} \\ \mathop{\operatorname{Pr}}(\hat{u_j} > u_j + ε ) < e^{-2N_jε^2}\]I’m not thinking thoroughly now what will occur if we choose to optimize $\epsilon$, but they use a variable exchange.
Algorithm (somehow different from the original)
let $\delta = e^{-2N_jε^2}$
\[\mathop{\operatorname{Pr}}(\hat{u_j} < u_j - \sqrt{\frac{\log \frac{1}{\delta}}{2N_j}} ) < \delta \\ \mathop{\operatorname{Pr}}(\hat{u_j} > u_j + \sqrt{\frac{\log \frac{1}{\delta}}{2N_j}} ) < \delta\]Now redefine event (smaller, larger)
\[\mathop{\operatorname{Pr}}(S_j: u_j < \hat{u_j} - \sqrt{\frac{\log \frac{1}{\delta}}{2N_j}}) < \delta \\ \mathop{\operatorname{Pr}}(L_j: u_j > \hat{u_j} + \sqrt{\frac{\log \frac{1}{\delta}}{2N_j}}) < \delta\]for time $ t $ from $ 1 $ to $ T $,
First consider the event $ S^{(t)}_1 ∨ L^{(t)} _ {i_t}$ occurs.
this means that we highly underestimate the best arm $u_1$ or highly overestimate arm $i_t$, we suffer loss at most 1. (since loss defined to be in $0\leq \text{loss} \leq 1$). So the expected loss, under this case, is $2T\delta$
Now consider the step where the event doesn’t occur.
How should we pick.
Suppose our algorithm choose $i_t$ at time t
\[u_1 < \hat{u_1} + \sqrt{\frac{\log \frac{1}{\delta}}{2N_1}} < \hat{u_{i_t}} + \sqrt{\frac{\log \frac{1}{\delta}}{2N_{i_t}}} < u_{i_t} + 2\sqrt{\frac{\log \frac{1}{\delta}}{2N_{i_t}}}\]-
- The first inequality means $S^{(t)}_1$ doesn’t occur.
- The second is by our algorithm
- The third inequality means $L^{(t)}_{i_t}$ doesn’t occur.
Now we have
\[Δ_{i_t} = u_1 - u_{i_t} < 2\sqrt{\frac{\log \frac{1}{\delta}}{2N_{i_t}}}\]This is nice, since when we pick, we always pick the one with highest optimistic value, but as $N_{i_t}$ goes up, confidence interval of $i_t$ shrinks. So we will not choose $i_t$ after certain steps.
\[Δ_{i_t} = u_1 - u_{i_t} < 2\sqrt{\frac{\log \frac{1}{\delta}}{2N_{i_t}}} \\ \implies \left( \frac{Δ_{i_t}}{2} \right)^2 < \frac{\log \frac{1}{\delta}}{2N_{i_t}} \\ \implies N_{i_t} < \frac{2\log \frac{1}{\delta}}{Δ_{i_t}^2} \\\]The maximum loss possible of arm k will be:
\[\sum_{i=1}^{\lfloor {2\log \frac{1}{\delta}} / {Δ_k^2} \rfloor}{2\sqrt{\frac{\log \frac{1}{\delta}}{2}} \sqrt{\frac{1}{i}}}\]Using calculus we know that
\[\sum_{i=1}^{n} \sqrt{\frac{1}{i}} \leq 1 + \int_{1}^{n}{\sqrt{\frac{1}{x}} \mathop{\operatorname{dx}}} = 1 + 2\sqrt{n}\]So,
\[\sum_{i=1}^{\lfloor {2\log \frac{1}{\delta}} / {Δ_k^2} \rfloor}{2\sqrt{\frac{\log \frac{1}{\delta}}{2}} \sqrt{\frac{1}{i}}} < 2\sqrt{\frac{\log \frac{1}{\delta}}{2}}{\left(1+2\sqrt{\lfloor {2\log \frac{1}{\delta}} / {Δ_k^2} \rfloor}\right)} \approx 4 \log(1/\delta) / Δ_k\] -
So, the total regret expected is
\[\mathop{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}}[\mathop{\operatorname{Regret}_T}] \lessapprox K + 2Tδ + \sum_{k=2}^{K}{4\log(1/δ)/Δ_k}\]Setting $δ = 1/T$, we get something like $\sum_{k=2}^{K}{O(\log(T))/Δ_k}$
My teacher said that factor $1/Δ_k$ is inevitable somehow…, by some theory…
